Paloma Aba Garrote, Director, CINEA
Official programme
With the support of
One of the main drivers of investment. CSRD, CS3D, bio-waste, green taxonomy...
There will be many environmental regulations in 2024, and Pollutec Paris will be one of the opportunities to take stock of them.
From the investments needed for the ecological transition to support for innovation, financing is at the heart of the transformations underway.
Pollutec Paris will be presenting a wide range of financing programs and opportunities.
Air, water, land, minerals, biodiversity: resources are everywhere, yet finite.
Our mission is to reinvent our relationship with resources, by transforming our uses and our impact.
Employment & Training
According to the SGPE, the ecological transition will involve nearly 8 million jobs, and could create 150,000 net new jobs by 2030.
The transformation of our business models requires the transformation of professions, the development of skills and the training of workers in all environmental sectors.
Tuesday 26th of November
5 years of unrolling Green Deal – from a European to a national scale, what are the biggest achievements, and what’s next?
Sylvain Waserman, President, ADEME
Alexandre Kouchner, Journalist, Political analyst, Editor in Chief, L'ADN-Le Shift
Regulations at the heart of models and uses transformation
Regulations are one of the first investment factors. CSRD, bio-waste management, greenwashing directive, Green Funds... How do regulations transform business models and uses ? How to move from a constraint to an incentive to do better ?
Brune Poirson, Chief Sustainability Officer, Accor
Bénédicte Heindrichs, General Director, SPW ARNE
Pascal Demurger, General Manager, MAIF
Nathalie Croisé, Journalist
Biodiversity - No business on a death planet
Biodiversity can no longer be seen as a resource. What brings the last COP 16 to global biodiversity regulation? Artificialisation of soils, invasive species, imported deforestation, what can company do to better integrate biodiversity in their business models?
Sylvie Gillet, Head of Biodiversity & Economy, OREE
Patrizia Gatti Gregori, Chief Environment, Decarbonation & CSR Officer, BOUYGUES CONSTRUCTION
Maud Lelièvre, President, French Committee IUCN
Lina Dechamp, Sustainability Manager, MICHELIN
Michael van Cutsem CEO and Founder, BEEODIVERSITY
Tuesday 26th of November
Reinventing our relation to the ressources
Air, water, land, minerals, biodiversity - The resource is everywhere and yet finite. It is our mission to protect it, and to limit our impact on it.
Catherine Lagneau, CEO, BRGM
Philippe Bihouix, General Director, AREP
Alexandre Kouchner, Journalist, Political analyst, Editor in Chief, L'ADN-Le Shift
Implementing a Circular Economy at last! How can we actually move forward?
Circular Economy has been identified as a comprehensive solution to the problem of over depending on natural resources. It can be declined it all sectors and uses, from fashion to water, from waste to construction. If it seems to be easy, and yet the application of circular economy are still at the margins. How can it become the new standard?
Isabelle Kocher de Leyritz, Chairman & CEO, BLUNOMY
Natacha Girard, Content & Programme Manager, POLLUTEC
16h15 -17h15
Planning for a real transition and a balanced energy-mix: how to do with what we have?
How does stand a balanced energy-mix in the ecological planification of Europe? Is the all electricity achievable? How can biogas & biomass bring local response for national uncertainties? Have we started integrating sobriety?
Matthieu Auzanneau, Executive Director, THE SHIFT PROJECT
Pascal Charriau, CEO, ENERDATA
Laurent Bataille, President, SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC FRANCE
Nathalie Croisé, Journalist
Wednesday 27th of November
Transforming and decarbonizing our transports
Whilst we have moved from 50 years to increasingly efficient transports, they still represent the 2nd cause of ghg in the world. How far will innovation take us to reduce our transport emissions ? What role public institutions can play to transform our usage of transport and accompany us to do differently ? How do transport companies plan and support this transformation?
Muriel Signouret, CSR Director, SNCF Group
Marc Hamy, Special adviser to the CSR and Communication Director, AIRBUS
Guillaume Legrand, CEO, TOWT
Emilie Esparon, Head of Impact, VIVATECH
Changing the role of finance for a systemic and long-term impact
Finance role can be larger than financing the economy. Through this channel, financers can beget change within companies to be more in line with biodiversity, climate and social components. How can economic actors integrate ESG components to add value to their companies? What’s the role of finance in driving this change?
Marie Ekeland, Founder & CEO, 2050
Marta Sjögren, Co-founder & Co-CEO, PAEBBL
Pia Erkinheimo, Director, THE FINNISH CLIMATE FUND
Mathieu Garnero Head of Economy and Finance, ADEME
Gianmarco Panone, Investment Manager, EIT InnoEnergy
Employment & Training
Wednesday 27th of November
On the climate front
Dr. Heidi Sevestre, Glaciologist
15h30 –16h30
European sovereignty through re-industrialization – employment matters!
Re-industrialization of Europe will not be possible without people and workers. But how to train the workers we need to make the environmental transition happen? What skills will be needed and how to increase the volume of employees in industrial sectors?
Pierre-Emmanuel Martin, PDG, CARBON
Julien Einaudi, Chief Operating Officer, ORTEC
Antoine Garibal, Director of Strategy and Development, Siemens France
Pierre-Yves Burlot, Sustainable Development Director, SÉCHÉ ENVIRONNEMENT
Charlotte Migne, Vice-President Sustainable Development, SUEZ GROUPE
16h45 -17h15
Exploring the evolution of our territory awareness
MAXIME BLONDEAU, Author, speaker, entrepreneur